Dr. Christer Pursiainen is Professor of Societal Security at the Department of Technology and Safety, Faculty of Science and Technology, Arctic University of Norway (UiT) in Tromsø, Norway, since 2014.

Previously, Pursiainen held leading management and research positions at several institutions, including the European Commission's DG Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (Ispra, Italy); the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) (Stockholm, Sweden); Nordregio, Nordic Centre for Spatial Development (Stockholm, Sweden); the Russian-European Centre for Economic Policy (RECEP) (Moscow, Russian Federation); the Aleksanteri Institute – Finnish Centre for Russian and East European Studies at the University of Helsinki; and the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (UPI-FIIA) (Helsinki, Finland).

Prof. Pursiainen has also held one-year senior visiting positions at the London School of Economics, Centre for International Studies (2018-2019), and the University of Hamburg, Center for Sustainable Societal Research (2023-2024).

His body of work includes approximately 140 scholarly publications, among them sixteen (co-)authored or (co-)edited books, on themes such as societal security, crisis management, critical infrastructure protection and resilience, international relations theory, foreign policy analysis, regional cooperation and integration, comparative politics, state-society relations, and political history. These works have been published in various countries and in several languages. In Finnish, he has also published a fiction novel based on apocryphal biblical texts, along with three popular-historical biographies.

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